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Impose Magazine


“Off the charts cool! AA has a knack for cranking out grumbly but engaging tunes of gritty, existential angst, and no one else is doing this kind of thing any better right now."


New York Press


“While he was in utero, Artimus Pace’s parents lived in the Jimmie Van Zant Band’s rehearsal space. Watching Pace now, screaming and frothing in this dim bar, it’s not hard to believe that southern rock is in his blood.”

The Rockpit (Australia)

“The song draws vivid imagery from a seemingly dark place with lyrics like “Things we do cannot be undone, truth is an unforgiving one” yet has a tongue in cheek wit with quips such as “Running from the fuzz, with a double super buzz”. Scorching guitars deliver riffs that grab your attention in an abrasive grasp as Artimus howls in accompaniment. All in all “Double Super Buzz” is a cohesive and definitive building block in the expansive musical catalogue of Abstract Artimus and one of his heaviest songs to date.”




“These songs really give you that in mind experience, it’s like the soundtrack to that party were you’ve had too much to drink and have smoked some weed. The great thing about this though, is unlike most music that I’d fit into something like that is it’s not disorganized and scattered, you can tell time was put into making these songs. They have a solid base and everything is right in its place to make perfectly structured songs, ten times in a row. I’d recommend this to anyone into 70′s rock, this is the best example of it I’ve heard in a long time, and its obvious Abstract Artimus has a lot of talent and will be putting out quality music for a while to come.”

Visions Magazine (Germany)


“Nach dem "Quitter's Face"-Video und diesem furiosen Riff, stellt die bärtige Ein-Mann-Band Abstract Artimus seinen Soul-Stoner-Rock in Debütalbumlänge ins Netz. Dank des hinreißenden Riffs blieb uns hier kaum eine andere Wahl, als das Video zu "Quitter's Face" immer und immer wieder zu hören. Die wenig abwechslungsreiche und trotzdem unterhaltsame Dauerrotation kann mittlerweile vom bereitstehenden Albumstream abgelöst werden. Alle zehn Tracks seines am 6. September in den USA veröffentlichten Debütalbums "Rite Of Passage" hat Abstract Artimus zum Online-Hören freigegeben. Der 28-jährige Artimus Alexander Pace hat alle Instrumente eigenhändig eingespielt und das Album in seinem Apartment in Manhattan aufgenommen. Der hausgemachte Charme steht den souligen Stoner-Rock-Songs ebenso gut, wie ihrem Schöpfer der Bart.”

“Abstract Artimus ain’t no quitter. If anything, he’s a rock’n’roll lifer and workaholic, evidenced by years of constant writing, recording, and touring prove that.”

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